Sunday, February 15, 2009

Day 14

Two weeks! It's a milestone for me and now my longest posting on this blog. I'm excited to continue this journey. Today was great after a near fall yesterday. I was even home alone all day. I simply didn't give myself the opportunity to be tempted. Anyway, I've got an early start tomorrow, God bless!

1 comment:

  1. Dude- so glad too hear about you! Don't get overconfident, keep up the fight, no matter what you do, do NOT let your defenses fall, that is when you fail. Keep thinking that Porn is YOUR problem, and YOU can defeat it, but you have to stay alert. I've had times when I've looked, and I thought I was being really alert and good adn then bam, failed.

    Glad you were able to pass your test, its so true, God ALWAYS offers a way out. We need to learn to take it!
