Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Day Ten

If you've read these posts, I haven't given up! I have been out of town since my last post and haven't had internet access. Without internet, I couldn't post - or look at porn! So this is day ten and I'm feeling good! I know I'll be busy the next several days, so temptation will be at a minimum, and I'm traveling next week, again without internet. I praise God for giving me opportunities to be busy and forget about my dark secret. I know He's with me and taking care of me.

Thank you for reading this blog and supporting me and praying for me. If you want to talk about anything or maybe find an anonymous accountability partner, just e-mail me at I know I'm not the only one trying to quit porn. Know that you are also in my prayers. God bless!


  1. Right on. Always nice when looking at porn isn't even an option. heh.

  2. Good luck man, my prayers are with you. I've noticed God always gives a way out -- we often tend to ignore it, but there almost always is a chance to get a way out. We need to learn to take it! :)
