Thursday, August 27, 2009


Over 180 days and I found out I'm not cured. This addiction will never go away, but I know I can control it with God's help. I don't want to tell my wife about this right away. Is that a bad thing? (Please comment.) I feel so dirty and ashamed. I know God will help me through this. I just need to remember how far I've come before and do it again. I'm not sure how often I'll post, but please keep me in your prayers.


  1. Hello. My name is Luke and I blog at I am getting ready to write about about how pornography addicts use blogging as way to help themselves through their addiction. Would you be interested in shooting me a quick email with some thoughts?

    1. Why do you blog about your addiction/temptation with porn?
    2. Have you been encouraged through your use of a blog? How?
    3. Have you met other bloggers who are doing the same thing?

    Let me know if you are interested in helping me with this! Thanks.

  2. Hi there. Don't know if you'll read this, or if it'll help, but I did hear that it takes 18 months (ish) for the brain to "rewire" itself to the point where you can start to relax. If the neurological basis of this is correct, then relapsing shouldn't be a massive disaster, because you've started to rebuild things already. Keep building those new connections. Best of luck mate.
