Saturday, April 4, 2009

Days 52 through 62

Wow, it's been a while. I have had several temptations lately, but I have listened to God's voice and found His way out. My release is often video games - Madden, Midnight Club, whatever - but it is sometimes exercise (I need lots of that!), sometimes music, sometimes just calling my wife and letting her know I love her.

I have figured out why this blog has led to more success than I've had in the past. Besides your support and prayers, I'm a competitive guy and I've been competing with myself to see how long I can make my streak. Unfortunately, that means that when I've met my goal, I could easily say, "The game is over" and fall back into my addiction. This is why I've set my goal so long. I'm determined to beat this thing. My prayers are with all of you who are struggling. Never quit trying, never quit pressing forward. I have found success so far, but I'm not done and I never will be. Keep up your hard work. God bless.

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